The BBC micro has a fiddly Econet interface. It is supplied as a collection of components which are supposed to be soldered onto the main board.
To upgrade a BBC model B, you will need:
1 x 2764 EPROM with NFS, DNFS, ANFS or 'some other kind of FS with network capabilities'. 5 x 14-pin DIL IC sockets 1 x 20-pin DIL IC sockets 1 x 28-pin DIL IC sockets 1 x 74LS163 for IC76 (this is already fitted on model B) 1 x 74LS123 for IC87 (not required if disc is fitted) 1 x 68B54 for IC89 1 x 74LS132 for IC91 1 x 75159 for IC93 2 x LM319 for ICs 94, 95 1 x 74LS244 (or 74LS240?) for IC96 1 x 74LS74 for IC97 1 x 10�F Tantalum Capacitor for C18 1 x 10�F Ceramic Capacitor for C23 1 x 2.2nF capacitor for C17 (only required on issue 1, 2, 3 PCBs) 1 x 5-pin 180� DIN socket for SK7 1 x 8x22K SIL resistor pack for RP2 2 x Rows of 8 MOLEX pins for S11 20 x 2% tolerance ¼W resistors as follows:- R46 is 1K R48 is 1K R52 is 1K R61 is 1K R47 is 1K5 R34 is 10K R35 is 10K R45 is 10K R51 is 10K R59 is 56K R60 is 56K R62 is 56K R63 is 56K R38 is 100K R39 is 100K R40 is 100K R41 is 100K R36 is 1M5 R44 is 1M5 R64 is 1M5Solder all of the above passive components onto the main PCB.
Solder IC sockets into each IC position.
Insert all of the above ICs into their sockets.
Cut the wire links at link positions S2, S12 and S13 (S12 and S13 should already have been cut on the model B).
Set the following link positions using MOLEX jumpers:
S18 - North S19 - East S20 - North S21 - 2 x East/West S22 - North S32 - West S33 - WestOn issue 1, 2 or 3 boards only, the following modifications are required:
As you can see, it's a doddle that can be performed with a screwdriver and an iron set to "Cotton". :-) Just to make life more fun, it appears as if the line driver ICs have been discontinued.
This information is given in good faith. Liability for damages is hereby disclaimed.